Nature recently carried a Comment setting out A market approach to saving the whales. It got a fair bit of traction, which is nice.

The authors, Christopher Costello, Leah R. Gerber and Steven Gaines, admit that their proposal is complex and could be hard to administer. Rendered down, it is simp...

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Damien Petit and his “Boîte A Pain,” photo by La Dépêche du Midi

Marvellous story.

"A compelling example of the potential that de-anchoring services from the static cartography of a fixed storefront holds to reconfigure diet, public space, and the food system itself."

In essence, baker delivers.

Best version of this trope I’ve ever seen. Good old John Downer, still producing amazing footage, even if some of the edits are just a bit too obvious for my taste. The entire series of Earthflight might be worth watching out for.

Tweet that reads

This has been a public service announcement, for all my friends and colleagues looking for funding.

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The pressure has been building. At the last count, I was doing stuff online (i.e. sharing content) at 10 different places.1 And they all seem to require feeding. That’s fine; after all, an online social relationship is no different from one in wetspace. They all need regular grooming. What I fin...

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