For the past three weeks, I have each day downloaded my website's access log by hand, at first literally, using FTP, and then, after a couple of days, with a command to do so. And each time, I would go look at the file and change it's name from access.log.0 to access.log.yyyy-mm-dd where dd is actually yesterday's date. The point of all this is to try and get into a position to make use of a neat-sounding analytical tool called Bise (see Seeking satisfaction in statistics).

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"More tomorrow," I said in part 1 and, as usual, life got in the way.

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Grav, the CMS behind this site, aggressively caches pages that it has built in the recent past. That's a good thing for people visiting the site, and not such a good thing for me when I want to see that anything new is working well. I do have a Firefox extension that zaps the cache locally, but that has no effect on the cache at the other end. Time to change that.

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If you notice that this site looks a little different, that's because I'm just back from a terrific IndieWebCamp in Brighton this past weekend, and I had set myself the goal of setting this theme free on the hack day. Success, although there are still lots and lots of things to do, mostly quite minor, that I am adding to my snagging list. Like, I just discovered that I neglected to offer a search option on the home page. I should probably fix that, though the challenge may be more than minor.

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As I work on my new theme for this site, I noticed again that the old theme's way of dealing with the webmentions I send is not 100 per cent functional. Specifically, quite a few sites seem not to like the h-card here, which is present on every post as a <div> that contains pure <data> elements.

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