Many reflections are prompted as I slowly continue to bring old posts in, based on what the logs tell me someone is looking for. One of today's old posts was remarkable because it was the first time that not a single important link in a reasonably substantive post was still alive.
At the end of September, David Runciman interviewed Ian McEwan on Talking Politics. Their conversation about McEwan's two most recent books was so interesting that I went and bought both almost as soon as I got back home from my walk. I wasn’t disappointed.
One of those very strange coincidences today in the world of podcasts. Back to back, I heard first Criminal Show: A New Kind of Life and then Thinking Allowed: Immortality - transhumanism.
Criminal was about a strange man on Key West, who called himself Count von Cosel. His crime, if inde...
Got a lot more done than I expected, considering how late I was with last month's report. That is, as long as I focus on what I completed, rather than what I didn't. Which is exactly as it should be.
A little while ago (on 19 October, to be precise) someone mentioned
, an open source commenting system for websites. It looked interesting, so I tried to leave a comment on . Despite a few problems with login, I managed it, and asked whether Commento could play nicely with webmentions. No reply there, but I also took the matter up with support at Commento.Today I got a reply. It didn't really address the login point, but did speak to Webmentions: