Adam Gopnik’s excellent article on H. G. Wells in a recent New Yorker contained a brief passage that made me reach for a note.
Wells’s elevation was made easier by the booming press of the time. P. G. Wodehouse, who was, improbably, a good friend of Wells’s, recalled, “There were so many morni...
This is something new, on two counts. It records a hike we took together in the country, The Squeeze and I. And it uses a new template I made specifically for photos. That is explained elsewhere.
A new template I built for this site will, I hope, both display photographs attractively and encourage me to take and publish more pictures.
Twitter passed me by at the start, and if I am honest I still don't really get it. Today, though, I was bringing in old posts as usual, and they included links to a couple that were, to put it delicately, skeptical about Twitter's chances. Tim Bray got one thing very right:
The basic problem i...