Restoration of the old Raleigh is starting to pick up a bit of speed. I had to pay money to get the stem and bottom bracket removed by a professional with a blow torch and an angle grinder, but the frame is now ready to be rubbed down and touched up (Oo-er, Missus!) There have also been a couple of interesting discoveries.
It was "the most boring, uneventful adventure in the entire history of geocaching". But it was mine to bag. No point saying more than that.
One of the nicest things about publishing our recent paper What is Wrong with Biofortification is that it prompted several people to share results and opinions that support our conclusions. Confirmation bias aside, we have not yet had any substantive pushback. This piece was prompted by one of the responses we received.
See those beans? They are “iron-rich”. Why the “scare quotes”? Lots of reasons, some trivial, some much less so.
It was a good month, although an early spell of good weather rather lulled me into thinking that spring had sprung, only for April to go out like a lion.
Took myself off for a bicycle ride this morning before a forecast 24 hours of rain set in. Destination was the Parco della Caffarella, which before I had been to only with organised rides and somebody else doing the navigating. Getting to the park is straightforward, but I wish I had been paying more attention during those earlier rides (or maybe checked on the tracks for those days) because I did get myself a bit lost and that led to some hairy sections.