xkcd cartoon about how to handle a crush

Some things never change. I remember going through almost exactly this line of reasoning not once but twice, for different girls, about 40 years ago. In neither case did things work out the way I wanted. In one, things worked out very much the way she wanted, which was and is great. In the other...

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Grafitti: Sorry about your wall Never explain, never apologize? Crap, fit only for posturing ninnies. If someone doesn’t understand, you have failed to communicate; you need to explain. And if you’ve done something wrong, why not say sorry? You may not think it was wrong, but someone else did. You failed to communicate, so explai...

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I've got a bunch of things that I want to write scribbled as notes but haven’t had the luxury of uninterrupted time to do something with them. But I also wanted to get something done, so I took the lazy route of appropriating a meme. 1 I saw this one over at Byzantium's Shores, where Jaquandor d...

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I‘ve changed the agreement in Tom Barnett‘s headline (above) because his use of the plural just sounds plain wrong to me (and I am not alone). And I am reprinting here, in full, a piece I intended only to share, because there‘s something very wrong with the permalink. 1 So here is the piece:


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'The Lomas Financial Corp. is a perfectly hedged financial institution: It loses money in every conceivable interest-rate environment.'

"When I read it, I thought, Oh my God. This is like owning a gold mine. When I read that, I was the only guy in the equity world who almost had an orgasm."


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