Grande Arche in La Défense, Paris Well, duh! Many a time and oft. But this does raise the issue of parochiality on the interwebs. Many items on the original TID list would seem remarkable only to a Murcan, and despite the clearly global nature of the net, many users thereof (and not only Murcans) seem to have no ability to use it t...

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A tiny green praying mantis held in someone's hand They weren’t this tiny. And yes, that’s a plural. They used to be quite common where I lived, and crazes waved through the school periodically. Same for silkworms. And, in later life, stick insects. Parents desperate to place some of their kids’ babies with a new and loving home. Cleaning out the t...

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New readers begin here: A while ago I succumbed to the lure of an internet list. Then I decided to expand on the Things I’d Done.

Table Mountain in South Africa What constitutes a mountain? “There is no universally accepted standard definition for the height of a mountain or a hill although a mountain usually has an ident...

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Motel sign in Orlando Florida On my first trip to the US my new-found friends and I went to Walt Disney World. I wasn’t impressed. EPCOT was a bit more interesting, but I still had the feeling that it was a substitute for actual travel. Years later I went back on someone else’s dime, and had the horrible experience of being rob...

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458435905_0eb75520cb_m.jpg August a couple of years ago I was far enough away from city lights, and the shower was at a reasonable hour, that I did see more than a handful of the Perseids. Exciting though it was, I wish instead I could say that I had seen the aurora borealis. Now there’s a heavenly phenomenon to reckon with....

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