Continuing to look for farina di grano arso, I've found somewhere that sells online, but availability is limited. Better yet, a friend over at The Fresh Loaf showed more initiative than me and actually looked in the Italian Wikipedia. There she found a detailed description -- ground from grains glea...
Ordering new supplies of flour yesterday, I came across something called farina di grano arso for sale. Suppressing a titter, I texted my compadre; nope, he'd never heard of it. Chatting to a chum over tea this afternoon, she suggested burned grain (past participle of the verb ardere). And she was bang on the money.
Y’know, seeing this advert at a certain site almost every day is putting me off visiting that site again in future, because the entire premise is so very wrong on so many levels.
My breadchum Joanne took off for New York a couple of weeks ago, and before she left I persuaded her to lend me Hamelman's Bread to plunder. The first thing I did from it was a Semolina Bread with a soaker and fennel seed, made with commercial yeast. It was really good, and I planned to convert it...
Björn over at 5¢ense points to a brief report, that the godlike J Craig Venter was slapped with a cease-and-desist by the estate of James Joyce, for daring to encode a Joyce quote in the DNA of the microbe Venter built.
“To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life.”