You can turn anything into a competitive endeavour, it seems, even the contemplative, mindful here-and-nowness of scything, which I have long loved.

I miss my scythes (yes, plural).1

(And in case you were wondering whatever happened to Nettle Awareness Week, it has apparently been relaunched...

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We are legion, the folks who recognize that the Mac is not a Typewriter, and yet want -- crave, actually -- a blank piece of carbonless copy paper with its vertical lines at 40 and 60 characters on which we honed our skills, such as they are.

So when I read Kevin Lipe’s Guest Post at Forkbombr, M...

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More or Less is one of my favourite programmes on BBC Radio Four. Not for the presentation style, which for me sometimes grates like fingernails on a blackboard, but for what they present, which makes it well worth getting beyond the style to the substance. And last week's episode was particularl...

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So, farewell then, Horace Freeland Judson.

“It is as if one were in the classroom with a dozen or so of the world’s greatest biologists, with Mr. Judson acting as the informed student,” he wrote. “We learn as he is learning."

That’s Jeremy Bernstein's appraisal in the NYT obit linked above...

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A chalked notice outside Pizzarium forbidding entrance to critics and journalists A glorious day. A bike ride beckoned, and as ever I need a goal. People rave about Pizzarium’s pizza as if it were manna from heaven, and it’s far enough away to give me the idea that I might even deserve the slice when I got there. So off I went, detouring via Piazza San Cosimato for supplies of t...

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