"More tomorrow," I said in part 1 and, as usual, life got in the way.
Before heading to Brighton I had hoped that my new Grav theme would already be up and running, so that I could use the hack day to smooth things out and use the assembled wisdom to help me get the microformats all fixed up. Life got in the way, a familiar refrain. In the end I dedicated the day to pushing the new theme live, and the result is before you now.
The work was essentially solitary. The only other IndieWeb person I knew of who was actively using Grav gave up on it (although she is still full of wisdom and helpfulness) and most of the problems I faced in going live were Grav problems, so I just ploughed on.
The core effort was in adapting previous posts to fit the new scheme of things. Mostly, that involved the judicious use of BBEdit's power to do search-and-replace burrowing deep into nested folders, and aside from one or two mishaps, not too hard to recover, that worked out well. By the end of the day, I was able to demo the new theme live. Nothing was broken. I suspect that I was the only person who knew that some things weren't working, and I wasn't going to let on.
I had also hoped to be able to fix the microformats, but there just wasn't enough time. The h-feed of posts works well enough, although I don't myself consume it so I can't be sure. It is missing an author, for sure, and there's a spurious entry for h-full, which is caused by a Tailwind class on the menu list, but I believe most readers will simply ignore that. Individual posts have no e-content yet.
The theme "works".
Lots of snagging still to do, including, in no particular order:
for comments and webmentionsMaybe Grav just isn't the right CMS. But I do like it, and the community. Just wish more IndieWeb types would use it.
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