Rex's longer article this week is, as he puts it, about "game culture -- and how it intersects with movies, music, and digital communication". A very interesting collection of thoughts. and even though I have never really been into computer games (except for a brief flirtation with RSI when Tetris first came out) I'm intrigued by his take on things. Especially the idea of blogging or doing iTunes playlists as a kind of computer game.
He also mentions a new PBS series on the history of viedogaming which reminded me of a wonderful book called Pilgrim in the Microworld. A very detailed account of how one person learned to play the most primitive computer game, I remember it as a fascinating read. And I see that David Sudnow has also rewritten the other book I know him for, Ways of the Hand, which is about learning to play jazz piano.
18 September 2016: Just for fun, I looked at Google Trends for gamification. It didn't become a thing until three or four years after this.
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