Changing version control horses

Out of my depth but trying new waterwings

Although I am not by any stretch of the imagination a developer, there are bits of what developers do that I appreciate. One of those is version control. On texts, at least, I no longer keep interminable backup versions of different states. I've been using Git to keep track of versions for me, and so far found it pretty useful. Now I should say that despite taking an online course all about Git, intended no doubt for real developers, I still don't fully understand the whole business. Yes, I have a fleeting acquaintance with ideas like clones and commits and pull requests, but I don't really know what I'm doing. I know just enough to be dangerous.

Most of these efforts are purely local, on my own machine, but for a few projects (such as this website) I actually have a repository in the cloud. To manage that, I've used GitHub for the desktop, and been pretty happy with it. Then, an advanced-tech client asked me to do some work on texts that are stored in GitLab, which seems to be a privately hosted kind of Github. Bliss, a client who likes that sort of thing (and MarkDown).

Well, to cut a long story short, we kludged around with his Gitlab to my Github to my local, but it is getting to be a drag going back and forth. More than a drag; I don't actually seem to be able to go back and forth. So I'm trying this new-to-me thing called SourceTree. So far, I have to say, I'm loving it. I'll probably love it even more when my advanced-tech client hooks me up to his Gitlab repository.

I really only wrote this post to see how it worked for this site. Pretty well, I'd say.

Filed under | Geeky |

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