Query: frangipani found 13 results
Three weeks away from home makes for a very pleasant month, not least because we were able to read about Rome sweltering from afar.
This has been a good week for excellent news on the plant front, quite apart from no deaths taking place while we were away. An orchid and the big frangipani are showing renewed signs of life.
Slightly delayed, this time, by departure for holiday on the last of the month and then taking three days to get to the point where it would be OK to sit in front of a screen again.
It is extremely galling that as soon as one has committed to learning something new, one is immediately flooded with unavoidable paid work that prevents one from putting the new stuff into practice. As a result, one may as well not have bothered.
Actually been back a little while, frantically catching up and trying to cope with too much heat, too much humidity and not enough (or any) escape. Apart from work, where the a/c is about the best that can be said for the experience. So, as the previous post was all about the magic frangipani's near-death experience and resurrection, I'll make this a quick what's happening on the terrace post.
Almost a month after I decapitated the magic frangipani, signs of life.
Four or five of the axillary buds have swelled and given forth tiny little leaves.
Is there enough time left for it to build up its reserves for another hard winter?
Long-time readers will doubtless be wondering what has become of my beloved magic frangipani. The news, alas, is not good.
I noticed some time ago that it wasn’t flourishing. Some kind of soft rot seemed to be attacking the smaller shoots. I cut off the worst bits, and hoped that the rest woul...
It’s been an exciting week. Monday night, the frangipani blossoms first opened, and I almost pitched myself over the parapet trying to photograph them. When the leaves first stirred I remarked that they were early and how wonderful it would be if the flowers were early too, so The Squeeze could...
... if you like your excitement slow and gradual. So slow and gradual, in fact, that it has taken a week to get round to recording it.
Back in April I recorded that the magic frangipani’s leaves had started to stir around 21 March. Boasting about this with Simon the Gardener, who has forgotten m...
The magic frangipani made it through its second winter. Almost three weeks ago, in fact, I noticed that the leaves had started to unfurl, and a little bit of me unfurled too. I took the photo there and then, on 21 March, but it sat in the camera until today and the trunk sat in the passage-way un...
Longtime readers will know that I am a patient gardener. Not for me the flashy allure of a large pot of instant floral gratification. I like to sow seeds, wait for them to emerge, pot them on, savour the passing time and the growth of the plant towards its final destiny. But even I suffer from bo...
The winter here at Monteverde Mansions has been a little anxious in at least one regard. Just after we moved in late last autumn, knowing of my passion for them, dear friends gave me a fine, sturdy little frangipani. It even had leaves. All I had to do was see it through the winter and maybe, just m...
They buried my father today, and it was OK. Well. It was a lot better than I feared, but probably worse than he feared. His fears no longer matter. That’s the thing about funerals. They are perhaps the only one of life’s rituals that matter not one bit to the central person. Funerals are for the living.