Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.1 This week: 86.7
Wednesday 11 October: A very kind friend reminded me of the need to drink more water, and it is true that with the onset of cooler weather I might not have been drinking as much as before. That and the lack of water hidden in food surely contribute to...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.0 This week: 87.1

Tuesday 9 October: A bit of a dreadful end to the week. We’re talking about diets here, and that means talking about intestinal goings on, so if you’re the teeniest bit squeamish, look away now. Time to discuss constipation. I know that previously I...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: ??.? This week: 87.0

Tuesday 2 October: Got back last Saturday morning after an overnight flight and hopped on the scales, just for fun. 89.4. Not so good, but maybe better than it could have been. Appetite suppression stayed good. The problem was twofold; boredom, and del...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 88.3 This week: ??.?

Tuesday 26 September: Away for work, and surrounded by good food, with not a scale in sight. The oil travelled with me in an ordinary small water bottle and didn't spill a drop, so that’s good to know. And I have tried to keep down my intake, without a...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 88.1 This week: 88.3

Monday 18 September: A weekend away, and no scales for two days, but gratifyingly small gain. Well within previous flutterings. The thing about travel is that damned oil. A little goes a long way, when it seeps out of the container. How do you get it t...

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