A kindly reader (I'm still foolishly pleased to discover that I have any) points out that my RSS feed does not validate. At this point I have to confess that I hadn’t given Tinderbox’s handling of RSS any thought at all. I assumed it works. And it certainly seems to. But just in case I went looking...

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Leander Kahney didn't contact me for her story in Wired about the magic of the music shuffle. If she had, I'd have pointed her to this prescient blog entry, the first, and probably the last, time I was moved to share such trivia. It is a fine story nevertheless, touching on many aspects of what makes listening to music such a pleasure. And of course it has the requisite quotes from academics who've latched onto the matter.

"Temporal order is an important element of how a work unfolds dynamically over time, an important factor underlying the aesthetic effect. Random shuffle pretty much flushes that down the toilet."

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I had noticed, in developing the soon-to-be-released photoblog, that my stylesheets had got rather out of hand. There were, for example, several tags that had a value of 0px. It is so easy to do stylesheets in a suck-it-and-see kind of way by sticking a quick border around a division to visualize it...

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In the days before the Palm Pilot, being a bleeding edge, hip kind of guy, I had a Psion organiser. And a Filofax. And to tell the truth, I used the Filofax much more than the Psion. It was easy to scribble in cramped places, using odd stumps of pencil. It was reasonably easy to find a phone number...

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… will be resumed as soon as possible.

My iBook is mended. It was a genuine fault. I’m happy. More later (possibly much later).