I think I may be in love. It's a long time since I've felt this way, since I've been eager to explore the further reaches of an infatuation. And an especially long time since a piece of software had this effect on me. I'm talking about Bookends, a piece of bibliographic magic for the Mac. But let's...
It’s either an angry, slanderous lie, or Bill Gates is an uninformed jackass.
You decide. Bill Gates in Newsweek, or John Gruber on Daring Fireball.
I understand there are now cameras with built-in GPS systems that record where each photo was taken. I can’t afford one. But I do have a GPS device and a digital cameras, so it seems silly not to marry the two. But it is not in fact as easy as it seems, not if you want to do it right. I’ve been trying to work out a reliable workflow, which I thought I would share.
... nerd and proud.
Communicatrix is the best.
Bottom line: true nerds — Good nerds, if you will — don’t think the world revolves around them. They have a healthy curiosity about the world around them, are always looking for new, cool, interesting stuff, and are continually improving themselv...