Still healthy, which is nice. The winter has been unseasonably mild and spring — surely a false spring — is upon us, with teeny leaves and flower buds and a promise of good things to come.
A week or two back, I started doing an online course for Python. May as well have a tenuous grasp of another language, right? To start, they had me install a thing — I suppose it is an IDE — called Anaconda, which actually seems very nice and easy. However, it has definitely done something to my established environment, because when I went to run my weekly stats script, I got a bunch of errors saying it couldn’t find things that it had been perfectly well able to find before I installed Anaconda.
A couple of weeks ago someone shared a list of things that people can’t help themselves but recommend to others, things that are so useful or worthwhile that you can’t imagine how you lived without them.1 Of course I skimmed through it. There were things I’m already doing (plain text) and things I’m never going to do (children)2. There were also things that elicited a masssive “Huh?”
Last Saturday, at about 9:30 pm, and with the curfew kicking in at 10, I realised that I was a long way from closing the move ring on my Apple Watch. We had just had a lovely evening out at friends, and they had kindly driven us home, so that scotched the idea of walking home. Off I went, haring round the neighbourhood, and when I got home there was still an annoying gap in the ring. WTF, I thought, and proceeded to do some jumping jacks. Then running on the spot. Then some more jumping jacks, and all the while The Main Squeeze looking at me with benevolent patience and also incredulity.
I had high hopes for a little tinkering here and there, mostly under the hood, but not much happened. That was mostly the result of a gross oversight in the paid work department, where the lovely extended holiday season ended with a realisation that I had screwed myself royally. Clawed my way back to sanity, but almost everything else got left behind.
Still healthy, but no sign yet of a call from The Great Vaccinator.