Originally posted on 3rd August 2005, the original has long since passed, but I found a version in the Internet Archive, and although the quotes are well-known decided to resurrect it.
President Bush said Monday he believes schools should discuss “intelligent design” alongside evolution when...
Lammas day is something I had been vaguely aware of growing up, but it wasn’t until about 15 years ago that I started to understand its full significance. It is Loaf Mass Day.
On Loaf Mass Day, it is customary to bring to a Christian church a loaf made from the new crop, which began to be ha...
The world continues to ignore my ranting. Happy 10th birthday to a piece of pedantry that I will never abandon: Ceci n'est pas un blog.
A more recent bafflement, about the use of web analytics on one's personal site. Jeremy Keith doesn’t use any analytics, and
he regards this as “sho...Continuing to bring in old posts on the day (roughly) they were written, today's effort — Eat the Riches — brought to light an aspect of link rot that is always a bit of a surprise.
Having decided to take a daily approach to filling in the missing posts on this incarnation of my website, I started to think about displaying what I had written on this day in years past. There are all sorts of reasons to do this, many captured by the IndieWeb wiki page on the topic.1 For me, it is partly simply to remind myself of things past. Undoubtedly there will be some negative things in there, but they’re mine, and I own them.