In the course of talking about and writing up Setting my marginalia free I took advice from other people who've done the same sort of thing. One of them has a link to buy the book he's talking about on Amazon, and of course it is an affiliate link. That means if you buy the book by visiting Amaz...

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Close readers of this site will have noticed a new item in the top menu: Books &c. That's where my book reviews and notes will live, and, in due time, maybe some other kinds of reviews. I promised I'd write up how I got to this point.

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Stewart Butterfield is the chap who accidentally invented Flickr and then Slack. That alone makes him a pretty smart person. He also studied philosophy before deciding to get into software development. I know this because Jeremy Keith in my Huffduffer network liberated the audio of an interview with Ezra Klein from SoundCloud's silo and shared it. 1

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Tom Lehrer, in the introduction to one of his songs, possibly National Brotherhood Week, complains that the only thing worse than people who say they can't communicate is that they won't shut up about it. The other side of that coin is that people who claim to be ace communicators make themselves hostages to fortune.

When I saw this little gem in my reader, I though, nah, it must be an error in the feed.

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Originally published on 17 February 2010, not much has changed, so I'll just give it a new date. And link to my offering: Cornbread for Fornacalia

The frieze of the baker's tomb

I can't actually be sure that today is the day, because the Curio Maximus hasn't actually announced it. But today is the last day it could possi...

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