People have written some interesting things following on from the pop-up IndieWebCamp that Chris Aldrich organised a couple of weeks ago. The Garden and the Stream set out to compare and contrast wikis and weblogs and how the two might be used. It was a terrific success, and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be there. The topic interests me and is something I’ve thought about on and off for a long time. This morning, I treated myself to thinking about it some more.
Wackos and ZoomGlüts - Not Boring by Packy McCormick
Interesting is such a devalued word. What else to say about this rather fine essay? It explains a lot of things and it explains them well. I particularly sympathised with his experience of the glut of free and wonderful things to do online in th...
Rachel Laudan recently published a piece on her website arguing, I think, that there is no food system and that it is unhelpful to talk about it being broken. No, and yes.
Lovely morning for just sitting quietly in the sun waiting for the birds. And what a difference a bit of sun makes, because these were shot at 1/2000, which certainly helps.
There are absolutely, definitely nestlings present, but I have not heard a single chirp, nor do I want to spoil things b...
Rebecca Solnit: On Letting Go of Certainty in a Story That Never Ends | Literary Hub
Rebecca Solnit reading fairy stories is not something I’m sure I want to listen to. Rebecca Solnit writing about reading fairy stories is something else again. Full of wonderful insights, this latest essay takes t...