Lottery balls flying towards the viewer

The old coincidence detector beeped yesterday as I listened to the Reply All podcast Candidate One. It was about an election at Berkeley High School, a hotbed of political activism and its evil twin, political chicanery.

Tl, dr; someone tried to cheat and got caught. Yay democracy and truth.

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Monochrome betting slips in someone's hand

Gonzo Aussie podcaster bloke Mike Williams put this up yesterday:

The average punter goes to the races with $5 and expects to win $1000.
The experienced punter goes with $1000 and hopes to win $5.
The average podcaster does a little bit of distribution work and expects to gain 1000 listeners.
The experienced podcaster does a stack of distribution and hopes to gain five listeners.

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Rushing this out, a little, because tomorrow we hit the road and I know that if I leave, it won’t happen. So, possibly sketchy, but done.

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three cucumber seedlings

Just caught up with the podcast version of Dan Saladino's excellent Seed Stories from the Lockdown on Radio 4's The Food Programme, and of course it prompted a flood of emotions, reminiscences and recognitions. As soon as I got home, I walked through the terrace, thinking about which of the plants I had grown from seed and, more particularly, home-saved seed.

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Last week I was sorting through my recipe folder — the physical one, which is a mess of printed, scribbled and ripped bits of paper — and came across a bread that I had not made before and that for some reason called to me.

It was very good, so I wrote it up at the other place: flaxseed currant c...

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