Later than I’ve ever been, I think, thanks to The Client From Hell. Further proof, if proof were needed, that no amount of compensation is sufficient and also of that old adage:
If a thing’s not worth doing, it’s not worth doing well.
Heigh ho.
In the olden days, one of my main forms of purposive exercise was Nordic walking, or as I call it, walking with sticks. After I had ramped up my high intensity interval training, though, it seemed like a bit of overkill. Sure, I could have walked with sticks on Tuesdays and Thursdays (Mon, Wed and Fri being HIIT) but I could also just go for a walk, which was altogether too attractive in comparison.
The idea of BookCrossing appeals to me. You give a book away, directly to someone or left where someone might find it, and by registering it with BookCrossing there's a chance you'll find out who gets it next. Reuse, community, all that stuff. So much so that I joined up pretty quickly (2010-06-07...
When I interviewed Arun Kapil of Green Saffron for the podcast, he casually mentioned “the very unfortunate cumin incident”. Even though I had never heard of such a thing, I didn’t pursue it at the time because it seemed too much of a diversion. In essence, someone, somewhere put peanut shells (an...
The two baby orchid keikis have made definite progress during the week. Both are putting out new roots, and one, the larger by a smidgen, has a new leaflet.
The parent plant I’m not so sure about. Although the newest leaf is glossy and turgid, the others are a bit limp and patchy. The two...