This post was a mess, because my Python was a mess, because I know just enough to break things badly. I sort-of detoxified my superfund site and now I think I need to nuke Anaconda from space and try to live with what I have learned.

No excuses. Well, plenty of them, actually, including trips to London and the USA, during which I resolved not to clutter my life with doing things for the sake of it. So, I did some things I needed to do, but not things I might have wanted to do had I been at home. As a result, there’s a big chunk not accounted from, from roughly 20 June to 20 July. And I don’t care. Much.

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Well, well, well. Cory Doctorow weighs in with a blistering Why None Of My Books Are Available on Audible: And why Amazon owes me $3,128.55, which, deliciously, is available on Audible. Doesn’t help me in my desire to listen to Elie Mystal’s Allow me to Retort, but does make me even keener to...

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This morning, I brought in a 2006 item about the world record for speed harvesting wheat. In the course of checking old links, I discovered they’re still at it, most recently in 2018, at least as far as I can tell.

Philip Robertson, Guinness World Record Adjudicator, calls the day “an extrao...

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Terrific read on the need for self-promotion from Herbert Liu (linked by the always interesting Tim Prebble). I'm squarely in the I shouldn’t have to do this and it sucks and I’m lousy at it anyway camp. I also know full well that I need to get over that. But there’s also a part of me that tacitly thinks along these lines, which Liu quotes from a commenter.

Looking down on people for “shameless self promotion” means that you only want art from people privileged enough to have a job that can support it, or that are passionate enough to make significant sacrifices to their quality of life.

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Damn, damn, damn. My PKMS1 seems to have let me down again. I wanted to retrieve a piece I read recently — within the past 6 weeks? — and was certain I had noted, to the effect that the author had been advised that for any really difficult choice or decision, it makes no difference what you choose...

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