This post was a mess, because my Python was a mess, because I know just enough to break things badly. I sort-of detoxified my superfund site and now I think I need to nuke Anaconda from space and try to live with what I have learned.
No excuses. Well, plenty of them, actually, including trips to London and the USA, during which I resolved not to clutter my life with doing things for the sake of it. So, I did some things I needed to do, but not things I might have wanted to do had I been at home. As a result, there’s a big chunk not accounted from, from roughly 20 June to 20 July. And I don’t care. Much.
Well, well, well. Cory Doctorow weighs in with a blistering Why None Of My Books Are Available on Audible: And why Amazon owes me $3,128.55, which, deliciously, is available on Audible. Doesn’t help me in my desire to listen to Elie Mystal’s Allow me to Retort, but does make me even keener to...
This morning, I brought in a 2006 item about the world record for speed harvesting wheat. In the course of checking old links, I discovered they’re still at it, most recently in 2018, at least as far as I can tell.
Philip Robertson, Guinness World Record Adjudicator, calls the day “an extrao...
Terrific read on the need for self-promotion from Herbert Liu (linked by the always interesting Tim Prebble). I'm squarely in the I shouldn’t have to do this and it sucks and I’m lousy at it anyway camp. I also know full well that I need to get over that. But there’s also a part of me that tacitly thinks along these lines, which Liu quotes from a commenter.
Looking down on people for “shameless self promotion” means that you only want art from people privileged enough to have a job that can support it, or that are passionate enough to make significant sacrifices to their quality of life.
Damn, damn, damn. My PKMS1 seems to have let me down again. I wanted to retrieve a piece I read recently — within the past 6 weeks? — and was certain I had noted, to the effect that the author had been advised that for any really difficult choice or decision, it makes no difference what you choose...