Fine outing yesterday morning, to see the Raoul Dufy show at the Palazzo Cipolla down in the centre.

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Someone whose website I follow has had a mildly nasty experience at the hands of what she calls a couple of British twats. Apparently two men (surprise) highjacked a thread in which she was asking for some specific help and advice to tell her, more or less, that she was basically stupid for contemplating the thing she wanted advice about.

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Truly, the life of the amateur, cargo-cult coder, can be a vale of tears.

There’s a little program I use to keep a vague eye on how many people are looking at my websites. It is called Bise and is actually rather lovely because it gives a bird’s eye view without going into useless detail and without tracking anything. The big drawback is that it is written in Perl, a language I know little about. Still, by assiduous use of magic incantations, I have had it working nicely for a couple of years. Occasionally, however, something somewhere gets updated and error messages appear.

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I’ve been watching, with some amusement, the goings on at Twitter and wondering what, if anything, I should do. I’m skeptical that the whole thing is going to implode, although I am not nearly as sanguine that it will not become even worse than it currently is. To an extent, I cannot avoid the mayhem, because a social channel that I like and enjoy has an automatic import of any tweet that contains the word “IndieWeb,” as a result of which one of the rooms is swamped with people whispering into the void that people can follow them on Mastodon at I skim past them at a rate of knots, just in case there is something of actual interest that I don’t want to miss.

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Travellin’ Man: Just back from a train trip to Budapest, just off on a flight to the west of England. This update will of necessity be brief.

Also, I’ve concluded that I do indeed know just enough to be dangerous when it comes to Python and Perl. Advice will be sought.

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