Luminescent jellyfish The best, and worst, skinny dip I can recall was the time I was filming in Vienna, where my mother happened to live, and the assistant producer and I went for a walk with my Mum by the banks of the Danube, or the Danube canal. It was quite a warm day, and Ma suddenly announced that she was going in...

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Rachel shoots video of sheep I used to have “land” and the ex got this fine notion to get some ram lambs from up on Mendip to keep the grass down in the orchard.

The Jackson Five arrived in a box and had to be fed replacement milk every four hours, or thereabouts. The ex did most of the work, but I took a couple of turns. Sh...

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Man holding t2wo bowling balls up as Mickey Mouse ears I confess. I have. But normally I don’t. Right now, I have to say that a day off would be a joy and a delight except for one teeny thing. The work would still be here when I got back. And the looming deadlines aren't planning to take any days off themselves, that I know.

Like a lot of things, thi...

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“It’s strange that in a country where ads depicting near-naked women wearing skimpy lingerie is permitted on buses that we can’t run ads about atheism,” Villella said.

That’s actually one of the least strange things about this country.

Poster on bus reading There is probably no god now go enjoy your life Is First Bus the most pusillanimous company in the UK? Probably not, but it is up there.

A Christian bus driver has refused to drive a bus with an atheist slogan proclaiming “There’s probably no God”.

Ron Heather, from Southampton, Hampshire, responded with “shock” and “horror” at the messa...

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