It felt very strange putting the bread in the fridge to rise, but I had to get to the bottom of this new stickiness. The next morning it had indeed risen, quite a bit, but there was something odd and unexpected. A little rim of water around the edge of the dough. Ahah! Condensation!

I normally c...

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One of the big problems facing the improvement of agriculture in poor areas is that governments and aid donors have cut back on their support for extension systems. Extension agents are people who transfer new ideas and approaches that have been shown to work to the farmers who might benefit from th...

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Yesterday was not the longest day; it just felt that way. Meetings all day (and half the night), the ostensible purpose of which was to “eliminate hunger and achieve food security for all”. Right.

The representative of a government much in the news lately (and no, he wasn’t wearing a green balacla...

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... if you like your excitement slow and gradual. So slow and gradual, in fact, that it has taken a week to get round to recording it.

Back in April I recorded that the magic frangipani’s leaves had started to stir around 21 March. Boasting about this with Simon the Gardener, who has forgotten m...

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Last week's very sticky dough prompted me to try something even worse this week. I made a 55% dough (not very wet, I know, but wetter than I started with last time) thinking that I could try the stretch and fold method of building structure. Disaster. Last night the mixture was bubbling away, look...

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