Melvyn Bragg’s two recent programmes on the industrial revolution were entertaining, informative and thought-provoking.

Entertaining because Melvyn going full-tilt for one of his guests is always a pleasure, and Pat Hudson gave as good as she got. Was Britain, especially in the north, away from...

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Sense about Science has replied to my querulous email (blogged here) asking about the possible effects of fermented foods on the immune system and about their different-premises use of the word “chemical”. I reproduce the relevant parts in full:

Our Celebrities and Science review is a light he...

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There is a temptation, and we all know what Oscar Wilde said, in his native English, about temptations, or perhaps it is merely an urge, or a desire, something I want to do in any case, when faced by an extremely peculiar writing style, something way out on the boundaries of normalcy, something that...

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I learned two things from Aaron Swartz’s 2010 Review of Books.

  1. The guy can read.
  2. I can make use of that; five books added to my wishlist.1

OK, so that’s barely more than 4% of the stack he got through, but I’m not competing. And I should maybe try and do some more reviews myself, as a b...

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Screenshot of a theodolite app

Theodolite is one of those things that makes me wish I had a use for it. And an iPhone to use it on.

16 February 2020: I do, and I have, now. Which might prove useful.