“Thinking about the squirm” was just one memorable phrase in Laurie Taylor’s fascinating interview with Alex Rhys-Taylor, who had just published a paper on Disgust and distinction: the case of the jellied eel. 1 Much was made of the jellied eel as a signifier of the working classes, with an un...

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Jug fillingLast night, we came home to a burst water main and the street awash. This morning, the street below was dry and so were the taps in the house. Luckily, there was enough old water in the kettle for a cup of tea each (though not the customary two) or else we'd probably be lying there still, parched. Taking the dog out, therefore, I loaded my backpack with an empty 5-litre demijohn and set off.

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I'm getting really sick of websites that make me sign in with one of my other accounts in order to leave a comment. Especially when, as with this latest attempt on Typepad they can't seem to do it right. So maybe I can use that as an opportunity to do more here. 1

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Ravello through the rain

We spent a wonderful weekend at Ravello, on the Amalfi coast, gorgeous despite rain on and off all day Saturday. Among the delights, one of the best menu manglings ever.

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The Committee on Food Security is meeting in Rome this week. I'm pretty sure nobody there is thinking about instant noodles. Perhaps they should be.

Because ...

Last year, about 100 billion packets and cups were sold, according to the World Instant Noodles Association—about 14 servings per person.

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