I am updating this post to remove one reason for its existence: I no longer wish to use the plugin that powered that slide-show. So this post is becoming a photo post with individual images.
Recently I came across a website called The Eclectic Light Company, which is one of those places that you cannot believe you hadn’t visited before. I can’t remember who first linked to it, but it is catnip to me; geeky Mac stuff plus a wide appreciation of art and painting, it quickly won a place in my reader and I look forward to it daily.
Should I be beating myself up because we're more than halfway to the end of November? I don't think so. October was a good month, but not standout good. Maybe if it had been I would have written it up more rapidly. The high spot was definitely
, and I did write that up reasonably quickly. No need to repeat here.The Economist published an article a couple of weeks ago1 about how cash is replacing other forms of humanitarian aid, even in war zones. While suitably cautious, it also welcomed, as one might expect, giving people the freedom to make their own choices about what they needed and encouraging ent...
There are a few writers for whom I will read anything they care to offer. Rebecca Solnit is one of them. She never fails to delight me, both with the ways she builds a sentence and, even more so, the way she builds bridges between ideas. Somehow, River of Shadows had eluded me for a while, but the light it throws on the character of Muybridge and Leland Stanford and how their joint obsession ultimately gave rise to the movies is beyond fascinating.
Good on yer,
. It takes courage to stomp on the straw man's feet of clay, or something. David Attenborough has had it coming for a long, long time.